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  • Understanding and Managing Arthritis in dogs: A Comprehensive Guide [Video]

    16 min read

    Understanding and Managing Arthritis in dogs: A Comprehensive Guide [Video]

    Ultimate Guide to Managing Arthritis in dogs: Tips, Treatments, and Relief Strategies

    Key takeaways

    • Early Detection is Key: Recognize signs of canine arthritis early for timely intervention and management.
    • Weight Management Matters: Maintain your dog's ideal weight to reduce joint stress and slow Arthritis in dogs progression.
    • Tailored Exercise Regimens: Incorporate gentle, low-impact exercises to support joint health without causing additional strain.
    • Supplemental Support: Utilize hydrolized Collagen Peptides, glucosamine, chondroitin, Hyaluronic Acid and omega-3 supplements to enhance cartilage repair and reduce inflammation.
    • Comfort is Crucial: Invest in orthopedic beds and use ramps to improve your dog's comfort and mobility around the home.

    Canine arthritis is a prevalent and concerning issue, affecting over 60% of dogs during their lifetime. Anja Skoda, the chief scientist and CEO of Happy Bond, brings to light the critical aspects of canine arthritis, drawing from years of research in the equine and canine space and a personal experience with her dog, Tony. This blog post delves into the types, causes, diagnosis, and management of canine arthritis, providing pet owners with essential knowledge and actionable advice to improve the quality of life for their furry friends.

    Understanding arthritis in dogs: A Deeper Dive

    arthritis in dogs is more than just an age-related disease; it's a complex condition that can significantly impact a dog's quality of life. To fully grasp the extent and nature of this ailment, it's essential to delve into its definition, the various types that affect dogs, the biological processes involved, and the implications for affected canines.

    Definition and Overview

    Canine arthritis is a group of conditions characterized by inflammation of the joints, leading to discomfort, pain, and reduced mobility. It is not a single disease but a term encompassing various disorders affecting the joints and surrounding structures. Arthritis can affect one or multiple joints, leading to chronic pain and stiffness, making everyday activities challenging for affected dogs.

    Types of arthritis in dogs

    Osteoarthritis (Degenerative Joint Disease)

    • Prevalence: It is the most common form of dog arthritis, affecting millions worldwide.
    • Causes: Osteoarthritis involves the gradual loss of cartilage, the smooth, cushioning surface at the ends of bones. As the cartilage wears away, bones rub against each other, causing pain and further damage.
    • Progression: The disease progresses slowly and can be exacerbated by factors like obesity, repetitive stress on the joints, and congenital abnormalities.

    Rheumatoid arthritis in dogs

    • Nature: This less common type is an autoimmune disorder, where the dog's immune system mistakenly attacks the joint tissues, causing inflammation and joint damage.
    • Symptoms: It typically affects multiple joints symmetrically and can lead to severe pain and mobility issues.
    • Management: Rheumatoid arthritis in dogs requires specific treatments to control the immune system's response.

    Biological Processes Involved

    The pathogenesis of arthritis in dogs involves a complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and physical factors. At the heart of osteoarthritis is the breakdown of cartilage, which is crucial for the smooth movement of joints. This breakdown leads to the exposure of underlying bone and the formation of bone spurs, further aggravating pain and discomfort. In the case of rheumatoid arthritis in dogs, the immune system's attack on joint tissues leads to chronic inflammation and joint degeneration.

    Implications for Affected Dogs

    Dogs suffering from arthritis may exhibit a range of symptoms, including but not limited to:

    • Pain and Discomfort: Manifesting as reluctance to move, jump, or play.
    • Reduced Mobility: Difficulty standing up, climbing stairs, or walking.
    • Behavioral Changes: Increased irritability, decreased interaction with family members, or signs of depression.
    • Physical Changes: Joint swelling, muscle atrophy due to reduced use, and changes in gait.
    • The impact of arthritis on a dog's life can be profound, affecting not just their physical capabilities but also their mood and overall well-being. Early diagnosis and intervention are critical in managing the symptoms and slowing the progression of the disease.

    Causes of Canine Arthritis

    Understanding the causes of arthritis is the first step toward prevention and management. Key factors include:

    The Influence of Breed on Canine Arthritis Development

    The impact of breed on the development of canine arthritis is a significant factor, highlighting the genetic and structural predispositions that contribute to this condition. Specific dog breeds are inherently more prone to arthritis, not just due to their size but also because of unique genetic traits and anatomical structures that predispose them to joint issues.

    Heightened Risk in Large and Giant Breeds

    Large and giant breeds, such as German ShepherdsLabrador Retrievers, and Golden Retrievers, are well-documented to exhibit a higher incidence of arthritis. The increased risk is partially attributed to the substantial load their larger bodies place on joints, accelerating the wear and tear process and leading to cartilage degeneration and the onset of osteoarthritis. However, it's the breed-specific genetic makeup, alongside size, that plays a crucial role in this predisposition.

    Genetic Conditions Leading to Arthritis

    For instance, German Shepherds are genetically predisposed to hip dysplasia, a condition characterized by a hip joint malformation that can lead to arthritis. Labrador Retrievers frequently suffer from elbow dysplasia, another hereditary condition affecting the elbow joints, resulting in painful arthritis. These conditions are deeply ingrained in the genetic lineage of these breeds, showcasing a complex relationship between genetics and joint structural integrity.

    Challenges Faced by Smaller Breeds

    Smaller breeds, like the Dachshund and Bulldog, face unique challenges. Dachshunds, known for their long spines and short legs, are susceptible to intervertebral disc disease (IVDD), increasing the risk of developing arthritis in the spine and limbs. Bulldogs, with their characteristic stout build and heavy bone structure, often experience joint issues, including hip dysplasia and arthritis, from a young age. These breed-specific anatomical peculiarities highlight the role of physical structure and genetic predisposition in arthritis development.

    The Role of Genetic Diversity

    The genetic diversity within breeds can also affect the prevalence and severity of arthritis. With their relatively limited genetic pool, purebred dogs may be more prone to inherit joint issues than mixed-breed dogs, which benefit from a broader genetic diversity that can dilute specific predispositions to arthritis. This underscores the importance of responsible breeding practices to minimize the transmission of hereditary conditions leading to arthritis.

    Management and Preventive Strategies

    Understanding breed-specific predispositions to arthritis informs the management and preventive risk mitigation strategies. Early screening for hip and elbow dysplasia in susceptible breeds can facilitate early intervention, potentially slowing arthritis progression. Tailored exercise programs and diets that support joint health are crucial, especially for breeds at higher risk of arthritis.

    The relationship between breed and the development of canine arthritis is complex, involving genetic, anatomical, and environmental factors. Recognizing each breed's specific vulnerabilities enables a more targeted approach to prevention and management, enhancing the quality of life for dogs predisposed to arthritis. This breed-specific insight emphasizes the need for a tailored approach to canine health, highlighting the significance of genetic awareness, early detection, and proactive management in mitigating the impact of arthritis.

    The Influence of Breed on Canine Arthritis Development

    Breed-Specific Susceptibility

    The development of canine arthritis is significantly influenced by a dog's breed, highlighting the role of genetic and structural predispositions in this condition. Large and giant breeds, such as German Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers, and Golden Retrievers, are notably more susceptible to arthritis due to their size's more significant load on their joints, combined with breed-specific genetic predispositions to conditions like hip and elbow dysplasia.

    Genetic Predispositions and Hereditary Factors

    These hereditary factors lead to abnormal joint wear and the early onset of osteoarthritis. Similarly, smaller breeds face their unique challenges; Dachshunds, for example, are prone to intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) due to their long spines, increasing their risk of spinal arthritis. Bulldogs, known for their stout build, often experience joint issues from a young age.

    Impact of Genetic Diversity

    Beyond individual breed risks, the genetic diversity within breeds also affects arthritis prevalence, with purebred dogs generally more prone to inherit joint problems than mixed breeds. This underlines the importance of responsible breeding practices to minimize hereditary conditions leading to arthritis.

    Importance of Early Intervention

    Understanding these breed-specific risks is essential for early intervention and tailored management strategies, enhancing the quality of life for dogs predisposed to arthritis.

    The Impact of Obesity on Canine Arthritis

    Obesity is a critical factor exacerbating the risk and severity of canine arthritis, a condition that detrimentally affects the mobility and quality of life of countless dogs worldwide. The link between obesity and arthritis in dogs is multifaceted, involving increased mechanical stress on joints, systemic inflammation, and metabolic disturbances, all of which contribute to the onset and progression of this degenerative joint disease.

    Increased Mechanical Stress on Joints

    One of the most direct consequences of obesity in dogs is the increased mechanical load on the joints. Every extra pound of body weight exerts additional force on a dog's joints, particularly on the hips, knees, and elbows, which are already prone to wear and tear. This relentless pressure accelerates the breakdown of cartilage, the crucial cushioning material within joints that prevents bone-to-bone friction. As the cartilage deteriorates, the risk of developing osteoarthritis—the most common form of canine arthritis—significantly increases, leading to pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility.

    Systemic Inflammation and Metabolic Disturbances

    Beyond the physical strain, dog obesity induces systemic inflammation, a lesser-known yet equally significant contributor to arthritis. Fat tissue, particularly in excessive amounts, is not inert; it actively secretes pro-inflammatory cytokines and hormones that can exacerbate inflammation throughout the body, including in the joints. This chronic, low-grade inflammation can further degrade joint cartilage and disrupt the normal repair processes, hastening the progression of arthritis.

    Moreover, obesity is often accompanied by metabolic disturbances that can indirectly influence the development of arthritis. For example, dysregulated glucose metabolism and altered lipid profiles, standard in obese animals, can affect joint health. These metabolic changes can lead to the accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in joint tissues, compounds linked to increased stiffness and decreased cartilage elasticity, promoting arthritis.

    The Vicious Cycle of Obesity and Arthritis

    The relationship between obesity and canine arthritis forms a vicious cycle. Dogs with arthritis experience pain and discomfort during movement, often leading to decreased physical activity. Reduced activity levels can result in weight gain, further increasing the load on already compromised joints and exacerbating the condition. This cycle makes it challenging to manage both obesity and arthritis, highlighting the importance of maintaining a healthy weight as a preventative measure.

    Preventative Measures and Management Strategies

    Preventing and managing obesity is paramount in reducing the risk of arthritis in dogs. A comprehensive approach includes regular exercise tailored to the dog's physical capabilities and health status and a balanced, nutritionally adequate diet to promote a healthy weight.

    For dogs already suffering from arthritis, weight management becomes an integral part of the treatment plan, often requiring dietary adjustments and a carefully structured physical rehabilitation program to encourage gentle, low-impact exercise that supports joint health without causing additional stress.

    The link between obesity and canine arthritis underscores the importance of proactive health and weight management in dogs. By understanding how excess weight can contribute to the development and progression of arthritis, dog owners and veterinarians can work together to implement effective strategies to maintain optimal weight and prevent this debilitating condition. Addressing obesity alleviates the mechanical and inflammatory stresses on the joints and enhances dogs' overall health and well-being, enabling them to lead more active and pain-free lives.

    The Role of Injuries and Overactivity in Canine Arthritis

    Injuries and overactivity are significant contributors to the development of canine arthritis, a prevalent condition that impairs the mobility and well-being of affected dogs. These factors are particularly concerning because they can initiate and exacerbate the degenerative processes leading to arthritis, irrespective of a dog's age or breed. Understanding the impact of physical trauma and excessive exercise on joint health is crucial for preventing and managing this debilitating condition.

    Physical Trauma and Joint Damage

    Physical trauma resulting from accidents, falls, or aggressive activities can cause immediate and severe damage to the joints. Such traumatic events may lead to fractures within the joint, tears in the ligaments that stabilize the joints, or direct injury to the cartilage.

    These acute injuries disrupt the typical architecture and function of the joint, leading to instability and abnormal movement patterns. Over time, this instability can accelerate the wear and tear on the cartilage, leading to the early onset of osteoarthritis. The damage caused by injuries may not manifest as arthritis immediately but can set the stage for its development as the dog ages.

    Overactivity and Its Toll on Joints

    Overactivity, characterized by repetitive or excessive exercise, imposes chronic joint stress. While regular, moderate exercise benefits joint health and overall fitness, overdoing it can have the opposite effect.

    High-impact activities such as frequent jumping, running on hard surfaces, and intense agility training can put undue stress on the joints, particularly in breeds predisposed to joint issues. This excessive wear and tear can deplete the cartilage more rapidly than it can repair itself, leading to the gradual emergence of arthritic conditions.

    The Cumulative Effect of Micro-Injuries

    Both injuries and overactivity can lead to micro-injuries within the joint structures. These micro-injuries might be too small to cause immediate symptoms but can accumulate over time, leading to chronic inflammation and gradual joint deterioration.

    This ongoing inflammatory process can further degrade the cartilage and the underlying bone, contributing to the development and progression of arthritis. The cumulative effect of these micro-injuries underscores the importance of balancing activity levels and ensuring proper recovery after physical exertion.

    Preventative Measures and Early Intervention

    To mitigate the risks associated with injuries and overactivity, it is essential to adopt preventative measures and seek early intervention when necessary. Proper training techniques, using supportive gear (like joint braces during high-risk activities), and adhering to an exercise regimen suited to the dog's age, breed, and health status can significantly reduce the chances of joint injuries. For dogs that have already experienced joint trauma or are showing signs of overactivity-related stress, a comprehensive veterinary evaluation is critical. Early diagnosis and treatment of joint injuries can prevent the development of arthritis or slow its progression, ensuring a better quality of life for the affected dog.

    The impact of injuries and overactivity on the development of canine arthritis cannot be overstated. These factors contribute significantly to the mechanical and biological processes that degrade joint health over time. By recognizing the risks associated with physical trauma and excessive exercise, dog owners can take proactive steps to protect their pets' joints, helping to prevent the onset of arthritis and maintain their furry companions' mobility and quality of life.

    Joint Abnormalities as a Catalyst for Canine Arthritis

    Joint abnormalities play a pivotal role in the development and exacerbation of canine arthritis, a condition that significantly impairs affected dogs' health, mobility, and quality of life. These abnormalities, often congenital or hereditary, disrupt the typical structure and function of the joints, leading to increased wear and tear on the cartilage and the eventual onset of arthritis. Understanding the impact of these abnormalities is crucial for early detection, management, and prevention of arthritis in dogs.

    Congenital and Hereditary Joint Disorders

    Many joint abnormalities in dogs are congenital, meaning they are present at birth or develop due to hereditary factors. Conditions such as hip dysplasiaelbow dysplasia, and patellar luxation are typical examples that predispose dogs to arthritis. Hip dysplasia, characterized by a malformation of the hip joint, leads to instability and abnormal wear, significantly increasing the risk of osteoarthritis. Elbow dysplasia, involving malalignment or malformation of the elbow joint, and patellar luxation, where the kneecap dislocates from its normal position, follow similar paths of joint deterioration.

    Impact on Joint Health and Function

    Joint abnormalities disrupt the delicate balance required for smooth and pain-free joint movement. When the structure of a joint is compromised, it cannot distribute stress evenly across the joint surfaces. This imbalance results in focal areas of increased pressure, which accelerate the breakdown of cartilage, the smooth tissue that cushions the ends of bones within the joint. As the cartilage wears away, the bones begin to rub against each other, causing pain, inflammation, and the formation of bone spurs—a hallmark of arthritis.

    The Role of Inflammation in Joint Degradation

    In addition to mechanical wear and tear, joint abnormalities often trigger chronic inflammation within the joint. This inflammation further degrades the cartilage and can affect the synovial fluid, the lubricant that facilitates joint movement. Over time, the inflammatory process can lead to the thickening of the joint capsule and the release of enzymes that break down cartilage and bone tissue, exacerbating the progression of arthritis.

    Genetic Screening and Early Intervention

    Given the hereditary nature of many joint abnormalities, genetic screening can be valuable in identifying dogs at risk for arthritis. Early detection of predisposing conditions allows for timely intervention, which can include surgical correction of the abnormality, weight management to reduce joint stress, and specific exercise regimens designed to strengthen the muscles around the affected joints, thereby stabilizing them and slowing the progression of arthritis.

    Tailored Management Strategies

    For dogs diagnosed with joint abnormalities, tailored management strategies are crucial in mitigating the impact on their health and mobility. These strategies may involve medical treatment to control pain and inflammation, nutritional support to maintain joint health, and physical therapy to improve function. In some cases, surgical interventions may be recommended to correct structural abnormalities and provide relief from the symptoms of arthritis.

    Joint abnormalities are a significant underlying cause of canine arthritis, leading to the deterioration of joint health and function. By understanding the nature and impact of these abnormalities, pet owners and veterinarians can collaborate on early detection, intervention, and management strategies that improve the prognosis for dogs affected by arthritis. Tailored approaches that address both the structural and inflammatory components of arthritis can help maintain mobility and quality of life for these dogs despite the challenges posed by their joint conditions.

    Diagnosing Canine Arthritis

    Early diagnosis is crucial for managing arthritis effectively. Symptoms to watch for include:

    • Stiffness in joints
    • Difficulty in rising
    • Limping
    • Reluctance to climb stairs or jump
    • Behavioral changes, such as depression

    Managing Canine Arthritis

    Although arthritis is incurable, it is manageable. Here are several strategies to support a dog diagnosed with arthritis:

    Consultation with a Veterinarian

    Begin with a professional consultation for an accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment plan.

    Weight Management and  

    Proper weight management is crucial in alleviating the stress on the joints of dogs suffering from canine arthritis. An overweight dog has a significantly higher risk of developing arthritis due to the extra load that exacerbates wear and tear on the cartilage and joints.

    Implementing a diet tailored to the dog's specific needs, lower in calories but still rich in essential nutrients, helps achieve a healthy weight.

    Regular consultations with a veterinarian are recommended to monitor the dog's weight and adjust the diet plan as necessary.

    Additionally, incorporating healthy treats and avoiding table scraps are critical strategies for managing a dog's weight effectively.

    Gentle Exercise and Physical Therapy

    Gentle exercise and physical therapy are pillars of managing canine arthritis. Exercise should be tailored to the dog's current health status, avoiding overexertion while promoting mobility and muscle strength.

    Activities like swimming or walking on soft surfaces can provide the necessary movement without putting undue stress on the joints. 

    Physical therapy might include techniques such as therapeutic massage, which helps increase blood flow to the affected areas and reduce pain, or hydrotherapy, which utilizes water resistance for muscle strengthening and joint movement without the impact associated with traditional exercise.


    Incorporating certain supplements into a dog's diet can support joint health and potentially slow the progression of canine arthritis. Hydrolysed Collagen in combination with Hyaluronic acid and Vitamin C has shown incredible results in preventing and supporting arthritic symptoms in dogs. The supplementation of high grade hydrolysed Collagenpeptides helps keep or reactivate the biosynthesis of collagen in your dogs body. Collagen is the biggest structural protein in mammals and is the main component of the cartilage matrix. Hyaluronic acid can help lubricate the joints through the synovial fluid surrounding the joints. Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are also commonly recommended supplements for repairing cartilage and maintaining joint fluid viscosity.

    Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil, have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce joint pain. Always consult with a veterinarian before introducing any supplements to ensure they are appropriate and safe for your dog's specific health condition.

    Orthopedic Beds and Ramps

    Orthopedic beds provide essential support for dogs with canine arthritis, offering a comfortable resting place that minimizes pressure on sore joints. These beds are often made from memory foam, which conforms to the dog's body shape and reduces pressure points.

    Ramps and stairs can significantly improve a dog's mobility and independence, allowing for easier access to furniture or vehicles while minimizing the risk of injury from jumping or climbing. Selecting beds with washable, hypoallergenic covers and ramps with anti-slip surfaces can further enhance comfort and safety for arthritic dogs.

    Continuous Exercise for Canine Arthritis

    Maintaining a consistent exercise regimen is essential for dogs with canine arthritis. It aids in preserving muscle strength, joint mobility, and overall stamina. However, tailoring the exercise to the dog's specific condition and capabilities is essential. Overexertion can lead to pain and potentially worsen joint damage, while too little activity can result in stiffness and decreased joint function.

    Tailored Exercise Programs

    Creating a tailored exercise program involves considering the dog's age, breed, severity of arthritis, and overall physical condition. Activities may include controlled walking, swimming, or therapeutic exercises designed to enhance range of motion and strengthen the muscles around the joints. Consulting with a veterinarian or a canine rehabilitation specialist can guide you in developing an appropriate exercise plan.

    Importance of Consistency

    Consistency in exercise routines helps prevent joint stiffness and muscle strength fluctuations that can occur with sporadic activity. Establishing a daily gentle exercise routine can significantly improve a dog's mobility and quality of life. It's also beneficial for mental health, reducing the risk of depression associated with decreased activity due to arthritis pain.

    Monitoring and Adjustments

    Monitoring the dog's response to exercise is crucial. Signs of discomfort or fatigue indicate the need to adjust the intensity, duration, or type of exercise. As canine arthritis progresses or improves, the exercise program should evolve to match the dog's changing needs, ensuring that it remains beneficial without causing harm.


    Arthritis in dogs is a significant health concern, not limited to aging pets but also affecting younger dogs due to various factors like breed and weight. Anja Skoda's insights emphasize the importance of early detection, proper diagnosis, and comprehensive management strategies to mitigate the impact of arthritis on our canine companions' lives. As pet owners, our awareness and proactive measures can make a substantial difference in ensuring our pets live comfortably and happily despite arthritis.

    Follow us for more insights on canine health and wellness, and join Anja and Fernando in their ongoing discussion on vital topics affecting our furry friends.

    Frequently Asked Questions 

    What is Canine Arthritis?

    Canine arthritis is a common condition in dogs that involves inflammation of the joints, leading to discomfort, pain, and reduced mobility. It encompasses various disorders, not limited to osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, affecting one or multiple joints.

    How Does Breed Influence Canine Arthritis?

    Breed significantly influences the development of canine arthritis. Large breeds like German Shepherds and Labrador Retrievers are more prone to arthritis due to greater joint stress, while smaller breeds may face unique challenges such as intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) in Dachshunds.

    What Are the Symptoms of Canine Arthritis?

    Symptoms include reluctance to move, jump, or play; difficulty standing up, climbing stairs, or walking; behavioral changes like increased irritability; and physical signs such as joint swelling and muscle atrophy.

    How Can Obesity Impact Canine Arthritis?

    Obesity exacerbates canine arthritis by increasing mechanical stress on joints, leading to accelerated cartilage wear and contributing to inflammation and joint damage.

    What Role Do Injuries and Overactivity Play in Canine Arthritis?

    Injuries and overactivity can initiate or worsen arthritis by causing direct damage to joints or by leading to micro-injuries that accumulate over time, respectively, contributing to joint degeneration.

    How are Joint Abnormalities Linked to Canine Arthritis?

    Joint abnormalities, often congenital or hereditary, disrupt normal joint function and structure, leading to increased wear and tear on the cartilage and the eventual onset of arthritis.

    What Are Effective Management Strategies for Canine Arthritis?

    Effective strategies include weight management, gentle exercise, physical therapy, the use of supplements to support joint health, and the provision of orthopedic beds and ramps to reduce joint stress.

    How Important is Weight Management in Canine Arthritis?

    Weight management is crucial as it helps alleviate excess stress on the joints, slowing the progression of arthritis and improving the dog’s overall mobility and quality of life.

    What Gentle Exercises Benefit Dogs with Arthritis?

    Gentle exercises such as swimming and controlled walking can maintain joint mobility and muscle strength without overstressing the joints.

    How Do Supplements Help in Managing Canine Arthritis?

    Supplements like hydrolysed collagen, hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, Vitamin C and omega-3 fatty acids can support cartilage repair, maintain joint fluid viscosity, and reduce inflammation.

    Why Are Orthopedic Beds Important for Dogs with Arthritis?

    Orthopedic beds provide supportive, pressure-relieving comfort for arthritic dogs, helping to ease joint pain and improve sleep quality.

    What Is the Significance of Continuous Exercise for Arthritic Dogs?

    Continuous, moderate exercise is vital for keeping the joints lubricated, preserving muscle strength, and preventing stiffness and atrophy.

    How Can Early Diagnosis Improve Management of Canine Arthritis?

    Early diagnosis allows for timely intervention with appropriate management strategies, potentially slowing the disease's progression and improving the dog's quality of life.

    What Role Does Genetic Diversity Play in Canine Arthritis?

    Genetic diversity within breeds can affect arthritis prevalence, with mixed-breed dogs often having a lower risk of inheriting specific joint problems compared to purebreds.

    How Does Responsible Breeding Affect Canine Arthritis Prevalence?

    Responsible breeding practices that prioritize health and genetic diversity can minimize the transmission of hereditary conditions that lead to arthritis, reducing its prevalence in future generations.


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